
by Lia Hsu





People go to college to gain knowledge. In colleges, there are many different types of areas and majors to learn from. These courses give people training on the skills they need to enter a job. If a person does not enter college, he would not be able to gain the most basic skills for employment. In other words, no companies would want him because he has no skills. In addition, people can also choose to explore in a variety of interests. There are a lot of club activities in universities, and in these clubs, people can make more friends and broaden their horizon. This is why college always sound attracting to people.


段落的一開始告訴大家 People go to college to gain knowledge;照理來說,讀者應會思考:「為什麼要進入大學獲取知識呢(Why should they enter college to gain knowledge)?

是用什麼方法獲得知識,又是獲得什麼樣的知識呢 (How can they gain knowledge by entering college, and what sort of knowledge would they gain in this place)?為什麼想獲得知識,非得靠進大學不可呢(Why is it that, they MUST enter college this place to gain the aforementioned knowledge)? 」然而,在這一段落中,只有下一句有暗示出「這是因為大學裡有很多可選擇的主修」。

之後的句子中,筆者便沒有再提及他主題句所說到的 knowledge 了,反而開始敘述 skill 和 job 的關係。段落的最後,筆者甚至還帶出了一個新概念:大學的社團活動可以幫助學生建立社交圈,因此上大學這個想法確實很吸引人。





所謂的統一性,就是當我想寫 People go to college to gain knowledge時,我就真的只著重於:They go to college BECAUSE they DESIRE for KNOWLEDGE. 這一個概念。因此,我的論述裡的關鍵字詞就會是:because/go to college for, desire/ want, knowledge




範例一:以specific areas 為主去論述的段落

1. People go to college to gain deeper knowledge on more specific areas. In high school, we learn only on basic subjects such as math or science, yet in college, people gain chances to take this knowledge further to investigate in nano-science, or to major in applied math. These are subjects that we would never learn in high school. In other words, if people want to gain expertise in an area, they would desire for college.

範例二:以passion 為主去論述的段落

2. People go to college to gain deeper knowledge in their passion. In high school, we learn basic subjects, and oftentimes these subjects are ones we are not interested in. However, college is intriguing because it offers loads of opportunities to explore in ideas and areas people truly enjoy and love. Take me as an example. Ever since I was young, I had taken up an interest in literature, and I could practically memorize the works I love. Until high school, however, I had never had the chance to discuss these works with experts in the field because high school, unfortunately, never offered such special courses. As a result, this was mainly my reason for attending college—because I knew that I would gain more on what I love.

範例三:以job preparation 為主去論述的段落

3. The first and foremost reason for people attending college is that college prepare people for their job. In college, people are taught on the basic requisites for work of any sort; in addition, they are also trained on how to act and perform in their job. These are basic yet important principles for people to follow; without entering college, people would not gain any of these skills. An engineer, for example,to succeed in his work, would need to learn about programming and de-bugging, and these techniques come from courses in the university. A nurse-to-be would learn more on injections by sitting in the classrooms in the university, and she would be enlightened on the risks of surgery by listening to professors in class sharing their stories. Both of these lessons guide her to profession.







(以上三原則來自《Barron’s 英文寫作黃金法則》p.209)



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