
by Lia Hsu



1. Which of the following areas of current events do you like to read the most? a. Politics b. Sports c. Arts and films

Well, in my opinion, I think I would want to read about politics the most. This is because everything is related to politics, so politics is actually all about life and about the choices we make.

For example, last month, I’ve read about politics in Cambodia, and understood that people will bribe teachers to earn a better education for their child. I have also understood that the government in Cambodia is corrupted. As I’ve said, the political situation of the country will influence people’s choice. In bad times however, people still go on with their lives and try to survive. Since I am highly intrigued with how we make our choices in life, this is why I would favor reading politics more than reading the other two subjects.

2. Talk about a time when one of your friends disappointed you.

Well, in my opinion, the last time my friend disappointed me was when she came to visit. She was staying for a night at my place, but she did not help at all in doing the chores, and this actually made my imagination fall out of expectation, which was quite, quite disappointing.

I’d give you a small example. When she stayed over, she did not wash any dish, nor did she take out the rubbish. Although she was a guest; yet because she was staying for free at my place, I did mentally expected her to help out a little, yet in the end I felt myself unfairly treated. This was one time when my friends disappointed me. Since I care about mutual respect, I think this experience taught me to pick my guests wiser. It did gave me a bit of shock!


不瞞大家,這些句子其實就是我靠以前的echo method還有重複聆聽他人的講話而得來的喔!(比如:fall out of expectation 就是我上課非常長放到的一個句子裡的用語xD)因此,從這裡,大家不難體會,在英文口說當中,聽力的重要;想要英文講得好,那就重複聽、反覆聽、一直聽英文吧,自然會進步!

最後,和大家分享SK2 TOEFL 課程中我們常講到的 「從人出發」的想點概念。由於這兩題問的都是「你」喜歡的東西,或是「你很在意」的一個經驗,大家應該理解,當題目問到「你」的時候, 我們自然是用「自己/自我」的價值觀和個性去做考量,最終作出決定。


關於審題想點的方法,上課時我常提點到,大家在給出答案時記得要常重複「題目裡的關鍵字」, 以告訴主考官你確實在回答問題(仔細觀察,各位應該也可以看出我的示範中其實就有許多答案的關鍵字是重複題目單字)。


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