Which do you prefer? Having a vacation not far away from where you work or having a vacation far away.
People love traveling naturally. However, when people are busy at work, most would want to head to places closer to their work places. These people worry that they would not be able to reach their responsibilities easily. For me, I would indeed have a vacation in a place far away from work considering my personalities.
第一段的引言 (Introduction),最重視的即是你的思考是不是跳躍了。請從淺入深慢慢引導你的讀者進入今天的寫作焦點。坊間關於 Introduction 的模板很多很多,最經典的模板不外乎是While some people believe…. others believe…。
To begin with, I tend to feel anxious easily; thus, if I have a vacation near to where I work, I would not truly relax. In other
words, my anxiety would manipulate me throughout the whole vacation. Last spring, I went on vacation with my friend to HsinChu. Since Hsinchu was located near to my office, I never actually felt that I was relaxing because my company was just so mentally close to me. Sometimes, I would instantly think of what my colleagues are doing at one very moment, and I would feel a pang of guilty for running away from work. Examining my mentality further, I discovered that my anxiety was probably related to the fact that I was in the same time zone as my co-workers. When I was in New York, for example, I never had the same problem. Hence, for the feeling of a true vacation, I would rather have a vacation further away from where I work.
大家在閱讀第一段時,可以注意到:在寫作時,我們不但要將自己的立場講得明確,在這類「請你選擇」的題目中,更要清楚地敘明此選擇與你的關係。這是課堂上我所強調的「以對象出發」的想點方式,在「需要做出選擇」的題目中此想點方式可代入。除此之外,如果希望能夠拿到作文高分,就必須盡力將段落的例子寫得和主題句一樣好,切勿鬼打牆而不做深入的闡述。如何將段落的例子寫好呢?這裡有兩個關鍵:1) 例子的人事時地物記得具體 2) 撰寫例子的句型稍微換過,多注意句子的關聯可幫助你用更自然的方式寫作。
英文的寫作需要你立場明確,不要給出 it depends 這種回答。
In addition, I care about my privacy, and going to a place far away from my company enables me to keep my private life to myself. In specific, my hatred towards colleagues gossiping in the office oftentimes leads me to choose the most distant destination when I am booking my next plane ticket. To be honest, once I did accidentally bumped into my coworker Anna while taking a day off in Danshui, a famous tourist spot known for its night view. Luckily, Anna did not recognize me; yet, imagine how horrifying it would be if she did. Eventually, there will be stories over stories fabricated around me, and I would never be able to untangle myself out of these gossips and myths. Since privacy is considered one of my most important values, I would certainly choose to travel to places far away from work.
撰寫第二段時,記得讓第二段的畫面核心與第一段有差異。大部分的同學段落關聯上都不多家著墨,實際上,這是最會凸顯出你的作文等級的地方。再來,選定了一個段落核心,就不要再發散地寫到其他的理由了,這也是我上課時常和同學耳提面命的觀念。比如,在這段裡我寫出了”I care about privacy”,我就會圍繞著 “privacy”的概念申論,在撰寫例子時,我的關鍵字 “myths and gossips” 也是拿來證明「我有多厭惡 “自己的privacy” 被他人破壞」。
Last but not least, I do want my holidays to be respected, which is why I would choose to go to more distant places for vacation. In brief, if I travel to places near my work place, my co-workers will not recognize that I am indeed off work. In short, they will continue giving me work to do, and eventually my holidays will be spoiled. For instance, once, I actually went on vacation in the island, and I discovered that my holidays were not respected by others at all. When my company had problems, my supervisor called me directly and asked me to log on my computer immediately to deal with an urgent request. When I told her that I was on vacation, she replied that since I was still in Taiwan, it should not be so big a problem for me to help her solve the case. In comparison, my co-worker went on holiday exactly the same day as me, and we were on our holidays for the exact same number of days. The only difference we had between each other was that she went on holidays
in Spain, whereas I went on holidays to a place closer to my company. My co-worker Elaine was never called for this issue. From my story, it is obvious why I would never choose to go on vacations near to my company again.
剛開始寫這一段時,我其實將這一段寫得特別短。真正考試時,如果時間不夠,應該盡量力求段落均勻、平衡。這時,你可以選擇寫較少的細節,但在與題目有關的畫面上,應還是要特別強調(比如:Taiwan, Spain/ got called to solve a problem, she was never called 都再次呼應我的「短距離的旅行不被同事看成放假,因此假期會不被尊重」)。
It is undeniable that people cannot be irresponsible on their work while they are away on vacation. Yet, for the sake of a true work-life balance, I believe it would be best for me to travel outside the territories of my work place. Only by doing so would I really enjoy my vacation and reset myself for the next challenge in my job.