
by Lia Hsu



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Parents 是不是 「最好的老師」呢?因此,這裡同學應該要先「定義何謂好的老師」,再來觀察「家長」這個身份有無「符合你對好老師的定義」。


Lia的寫作方法:定義好的老師 —> 列出好老師的條件 —> 回頭觀察家長的特質(有無與方才定義相符?)—> 思考如何寫出想法,並動筆將剛才想過的邏輯連起來。

Best teachers: would give students a characteristic to remember Best teachers: would teach out of genuine care and love Best teachers: would possess authority

Parents do indeed fit these qualities —>


First of all, a good teacher would always teach by presenting students a vivid demonstration; since parents always unconsciously become role models for children to copy from, they are indeed the best teachers. This is because parents spend long hours together with their child; thus, it is natural for a kid to copy from his mother.

Secondly, a good teacher teaches out of genuine care and love. Undoubtedly, compared to other people, a parent is more likely to fit this quality because she is the one that raises the child.

Last but not least, a best teacher is defined as one who possess authority. Since parents have the biggest right and the biggest duty to guide their child, they can be said as the best teachers.


比方說,最後一段的解釋裡,我有提到: Since parents have the biggest right and the biggest duty to guide their child,they can be said as the best teachers.



Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.一樣,我們抓出題目的句子結構:Nowadays, food has BECOME EASIER to prepare. 這種 FOOD BECOMING MUCH EASIER TO PREPARE 的 CHANGE 有沒有 IMPROVE 人類的生活方式?


食物準備比較容易 —> 煮魚時不需要自己殺魚頭很可怕 —> 某部分讓我們的心理比較舒服

食物準備比較容易 —> 開飯時可以直接用咖喱醬倒下白飯 —> 很方便快速—> 可以將時間做更有效的利用,將時間花在更喜歡的事情上 (不需要辛辛苦苦地顧一鍋咖哩,觀察蘿蔔到底熬爛了沒有)

大家有沒有發現,這一次我的想點方法,是從元件example 往回想我對此題的立場的?原因是,大家看到這個題目時,往往腦海中會先產生一個畫面,而我正是利用了這個畫面,直接去想我的畫面是因為什麼來的,最後再慢慢推出我的主題句。


First of all, the fact that food has become easier to prepare has created more convenience in the way we live. This is mainly because we no longer have to experience the complexities in dealing with raw ingredients ourselves. Thus, people feel more at ease to make a family dish. This fact solely has dramatically improved how we live our lives. For example, imagine making a fish soup. 30 years ago, because people only bought fresh fish from fish markets, they even had to cut off fish heads by themselves in order to make a nice fish soup. In contrast to that generation, today, 30 years later, we have the supermarket to do everything for us, so all we had to do was to throw the fish into hot water. This makes cooking so much more simple and enjoyable. Without a doubt, since cooking takes up so much of our mental energy, this change largely improves the quality of our lives.


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