
by Lia Hsu



a) 對等連接詞兩邊結構是否對齊;


c) 對等連接詞前後是否確實需要用對等連接詞連接,還是其實前後文句關聯根本不需「對等」。


“Do you prefer to live in a small and crowded house in the city center, or in a big and comfortable house located in a place 40 minutes to 1 hour drive away from the city?”


Moreover, I enjoy the moments before going to work. I spend an hour to commute every Monday to Friday, this one hour is my favorite time in a day. I love to observe what people are doing on the MRT and watch the scenes outside the window.

大家可以想想以上段落的最後一句話:”I love to observe….and watch…”哪裡有誤?首先,這句話所犯的錯,除了對等連接詞左右兩邊的結構不清楚以外,還犯了句子表達不清 的錯誤。寫作課時,我教導同學:一個句子只會有一個主重點。在這一句中,同學想表達的應是「我很喜歡通勤。因為我享受通勤時間(能夠做的所有事),我會想住在遠一點的地方以保留我的通勤時間。」


觀看他使用“I love to”為句子開頭,身為讀者,我會認為這一句應有「強調」功能,也就是他應將前一句態度推滿。既要推滿,為什麼要強調句子中的「對等關係」?如果我要下筆同樣的概念,我會寫:“Because I love to observe what people are doing on the MRT, my commuting time cannot be sacrificed in my life.” 使用因果關係的句型能夠強調此句與段落主題的關聯;同時,也能避開使用對等連接詞易導致的句子結構不清的問題。

讓我們再讀一次這個句子:“I love to observe what people are doing on the  MRT and the sceneries outside the window.”在作者的句子裡,我們不清楚 “watch the scenes outside the window” 與主詞”I”的關係,也不清楚 “watch the scenes outside the window” 與 “what people are doing on the MRT”的關係。我們更不清楚對等連接詞左右兩邊應對齊的結構。

用句子的簡化版來看:I ..(a.) and …(b.)… 即是,我們不確定a、b為何。

Love 和 Watch 並非同性質的動詞(Love 為狀態動詞[stative verbs],而Watch 為一般動詞),若應為此兩者對齊,則句子文法是有誤的,因為我們不可能將不同性質的動詞放在一起,使用對等連接詞相連。上課時,我所舉的例子為:I am Lia and teach English. 像這樣的句子是不存在的。

若作者意思為他喜愛觀察人群,也喜歡享受風景,那句子裡 “watch the scenes outside the window”及“what people are doing on the MRT”理論上應是對齊的。

然而,句子結構又一次跑掉了,因為結構前面是I love to (observe what people are doing on the MRT),採用 observe 一般動詞+名詞子句表達;結構後面卻是 I love to (watch the scenes outside the window),採用 watch 一般動詞+一般受詞表達。這在正式的寫作中,也是不符合一般用法的。



“I love to observe what people are doing on the MRT and watch the scenes outside the window.”


– I love to observe both the people in the MRT and the sceneries outside the MRT window.

– I love to observe what people are doing in the MRT; in addition, when I commute, I can take a sight of the fascinating sceneries outside the window.

(實際上,用”I love”此句型,我通常後面都只接「一個」受詞,以強調「我真的很喜歡做該件事」。)

– I enjoy a long commute because I can observe people and enjoy the sceneries outside the window.

– I enjoy to commute because I have connections to both the people and the sceneries this commute brings to me.

並且,無論屆時我是使用哪一個句子論述,句子的後面 <一定會加上:Thus, because of my love for commute, I would prefer to live in more distanced place. 以上為今天的分享。實際上,光是一句話,就有許多可以探討的空間。寫作時,沒有人會規定你要如何寫、寫什麼,但無論是文法、句子結構,還是句子功能,都應「清楚呈現你的核心論點」。


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